Archive for the ‘Synopsis’ Category

The Sisters Brothers

Posted: June 2, 2013 in Synopsis


Posted: June 2, 2013 in Synopsis

The Sister Brothers is an old western styled novel written by Patrick deWitt.  The story follows two bounty hunters and assassins Elie and Charlie Sisters. A powerful and ruthless gangster named Commodore sends them to kill a certain Hermann Kermit Warm.  The brothers set out on their mission for blood.  They meet many interesting and bold characters and have several odd and often drunken adventures along the way.

                Elie and Charlie are polar opposites.  Elie, the narrator, is a sensitive and sentimental man who struggles with the violent nature of their occupation.  Charlie, on the other hand, thrives upon the carnage and is crude and unkindly.  Elie trots after Charlie and always feels slighted by his older brother crassness.  The two banter and bicker in a tastefully comical manner throughout the trip.

                After many people have been shot, fought or otherwise harassed by the brothers they find Warm, the man they are after.  They discover that there is more to the request for assassination than just theft.  Warm has engineered a brilliant formula to illuminate gold in the water and the brothers are drawn to his enigmatic ways. The brothers find themselves in a more complicated situation then they had anticipated and the delightful plot thickens.